Designer - Natalya Zahn
Friday, April 24, 2020
Natalya Zahn is an American illustrator currently located inwards Boston, MA. Her dear of nature, animals, too natural history subjects has resulted inwards a novel collection of textiles based on wild plants too pollinators. The master destination for the collection was for display during a solo fine art exhibition called 'Birds, Bees too Tulip Trees' - hence each pattern was designed at a larger than life size to hang on the gallery walls. Natalya has since scaled downwards each pattern too created a express business of mitt sewn accessories branding amongst her ain label studio/animaux. Each of the 5 unique patterns were developed from master watercolour paints too showcase a specific flowering institute too it's principal pollinator. Natalya immediately hopes to pursue to a greater extent than stuff blueprint run too tin endure contacted via her portfolio website here.