Fabrics - Cloud9
Thursday, March 26, 2020
Whilst selecting my Etsy Faves for the sidebar this calendar week I actually loved what was I was seeing from Cloud9 Fabrics latest collections. They convey closed to fantastic novel prints, particularly from Leah Duncan who has created ii novel ranges Yucca in addition to Lore. I every bit good adored the painterly collection 'Brushstrokes' past times Holly deGroot. I convey posted all my Cloud9 highlights below amongst everyone existence a winning print. Scroll downwardly for to a greater extent than novel Cloud9 fabrics from Skinny laMinx, Sarah York, Rae Hoekstra, in addition to Eloise Renouf. The sum alternative tin strength out endure constitute online here.
PS. Also catching my oculus at Cloud9 were these ii prints from Lorena Siminovich (Glint), in addition to Sarah Watson (Birds Eye View).
PS. Also catching my oculus at Cloud9 were these ii prints from Lorena Siminovich (Glint), in addition to Sarah Watson (Birds Eye View).